It was four years ago that I ended my nine-month journey towards adoption and headed into the land full of women called birthmothers. Before that time, I did not fully understand the journey of adoption or what I was getting into as a “birthmother.” Through my journey, I learned that when the circumstances are right, …Read More about A New Look on Adoption: A Birthmother’s View…
A Birth Mother’s Point Of View
As birthmothers working with Adoption Planners to place our children in the loving arms of another, we are a unique group of women. We come from different places with different backgrounds and different lifestyles. We are different in many respects yet each share one common dream. We want the miracle we created to be loved …Read More about A Birth Mother’s Point Of View
In Their Own Words: Birth Mothers Describe Their…
As an adoption attorney, I have had the fortune of witnessing the miracles of domestic adoption on a daily basis. In domestic adoption, a birth mother chooses the perfect parent(s) she wants to adopt her child. She may have had a wonderful childhood that she feels she cannot replicate for her child or she may …Read More about In Their Own Words: Birth Mothers Describe Their…
I am a birth mother and I recently…
Hello. My name is Josephine. I am a birth mother and I recently placed my baby for adoption. When I found out I was four months pregnant, I was devastated. This news was not good news in my situation. I became instantly confused, angry and scared. I kept repeating to myself, “Why me? How could …Read More about I am a birth mother and I recently…
Not so long ago, I sat in your…
Not so long ago, I sat in your exact situation, I was scared and confused and not quite sure of what my future held. I am going to tell my story, so maybe I can help you in your process. Know that you aren’t alone in this journey! My experience at Adoption Planners and with …Read More about Not so long ago, I sat in your…
It is four weeks ago today that my…
It is four weeks ago today that my son was born and it is with a great deal of peace and relief that I write this letter to you. How lucky are we to be in America, in the 21st century, where an option like this even exists? Well, I can tell you that eight …Read More about It is four weeks ago today that my…
I am 20 years old and I placed…
Hello let me start off by introducing myself; my name is Karen, I am 20 years old and I placed my new born for adoption. For me going through with this adoption was probably the hardest thing I had to do in my life. The reason for this was because I have always dreamed about …Read More about I am 20 years old and I placed…
To all you birth mothers who are having…
To all you birth mothers who are having second thoughts, take it from me sometimes it is the best thing to do. Don’t think of it as giving your child away, see it as giving your child a new life and a chance to be somebody in life. I am a 30 year old mother …Read More about To all you birth mothers who are having…
When I first found out I was pregnant…
Hi. My name is Stacey. I recently had a baby girl Addison Grace, named by her parents. When I first found out I was pregnant I didn’t know what I was going to do. I was living in a homeless shelter and was just about to start my college courses. I had no money saved …Read More about When I first found out I was pregnant…